My client was told by a midwife that after 40 weeks gestation the baby’s head gets hard and makes it difficult to birth.
Just to reassure you this ‘fact’ was totally made up by this midwife!! But she chose to say it to create anxiety to someone in active labour. I’ve since heard another midwife has said it to a different woman in labour too.
Now either their anatomy of birth training needs serious updating or they are purposefully lying.
I know before you say it that it’s not all midwives, I’ve met and worked with some absolute gems. But if you were told to jump into a pit of snakes and only a few were poisonous would you still jump in?
Midwives like the one I mentioned are poisonous. They spread fear like a virus. It’s your job to either stay out of the system or arm yourself with enough information so their words don’t affect you. Birthing in the system today isn’t easy.
To get the birth you choose is a mixture of mindset, knowledge and support. It takes work but I promise that work is so worth it. If it feels like the information out there is a minefield book yourself on my course and I will help you navigate it ❤