These are just some of the things that a Doula can provide, but more than this we are your champion, your cheerleader and your trusting companion. Most of the time we sit back as it’s you who holds the power we just protect the space 🥰🌟🥰
🌟Physical support🌟
massage, movement, creating the right environment, gentle touch and calming hugs. Warm and cold compresses
Feeding you, helping you hydrate. Teaching and demonstrating birthing positions and comfort techniques.
🌟Emotional Support🌟
Reassurance, encouragement, praise, caring, continuous presence, calm energy, trust in you and your body, connection, explaining what is happening in a way you will understand, stepping back when needed.
Ensuring everyone around you knows exactly what you do and don’t want, challenging suggestions from medics (when requested), protecting your space, education on your options and rights, supporting every decision you make, amplifying your voice if it’s not being heard, facilitating communication between you and your medical team, making you aware of what is happening and ensuring you fully consent to everything.
Taking time to explain all about what’s happening to your body during pregnancy, birth and beyond. Signposting you to resources so you can make informed decisions, explaining every medical procedure before anything arises so you are confident to make the right choices for you.
Helping your birth partner understand how to support you.